Wednesday, April 09, 2008

STP back on the road...

Yeah. I am pretty excited. There web site was down the day I heard the announcement. I had originally thought that they were only going to play a few dates and then back to their other projects - but alas! A new album is scheduled for next year!
I know there are a lot of Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden etc. fans out there, but, for me, Stone Temple Pilots were the best of the bunch - especially the later albums. "Tiny Music" and "Shangri La Dee Da" were my personal favs. I can see the front man argument, that is really a matter of personal taste - you can't go wrong with any of front men of for mentioned bands (Cobain, Vedder etc.), but STP were a lot smarter musically and really just wrote better songs, the DeLeo brothers never failed to keep my attention - especially later on. Well, that's my 2 cents. I am very happy to see them back together and will be buying tickets for the Cleveland show shortly.


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